January 2023

Compendium Happy New Year! Hope 2023 has started off well for you and you're on your way to achieving your 2023 dreams. Every year starts off slowly for me artistically. I struggle to find what I want to create. I often trying several things before I settle on one, but I have always found one and I know that it will happen this time. In the meantime, I am in a state of angst uncertain about how to spend my energy. I have turned back to my comfort zone, Photography. I have been out with my new camera and lens looking for birds. I have taken several photographs that I like but theyare not great bird photographs by today’s standards. The current state of art in bird photography is phenomenal. I am not there. It's fun to learn new techniques, try some new software and think about the whole thing differently. In fact, taking pictures of birds using today’s techniques dispenses with the photography rules I learned 50 years ago. That is a must. Many of you...